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[TD700] PageLab Variables

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Posts: 51
Joined: 02/03/2015, 15:29

[TD700] PageLab Variables

Post by user10683 »


I don't know if what I'm doing is wrong :

In LogicLab I request modbus addresses from my device and I put them into a matrix variable (32,2) named Temperatures (for example I have 32 temperatures and the same temperatures but divived by 10).

So my matrix variable looks like this :
[ 15.2, 1.52 ] First temperature (modbus address : 1004)
[ 17.8, 1.78 ] Second temperature (modbus address : 1005)
[ 5.5, 0.55 ] 32th temperature (modbus address : 1035)

When I watch matrix variable into the watch windows everything is ok my temperatures are different.

My problem is into PageLab.
If I create 32 Edits linked to the matrix variable : first edit point to Temperatures[0, 0], second edit point to Temperatures[1, 0]..., 32th edit point to Temperatures[31,0], all my temperatures are the same !

I tested with just an array of 32 temperatures Temperatures[0], Temperatures[1]... all is OK but with a matrix it does not work :(

Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong ?

Pixsys tecnico 1
Posts: 1702
Joined: 29/10/2010, 10:09

Re: PageLab Variables

Post by Pixsys tecnico 1 »

Hi, please send the program to so we can check if there are errors or it's a bug. Thank you
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