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ATR 313 10 AD

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ATR 313 10 AD

Post by user17212 »

Have a nice day!
The problem is: new panel ART 313. First start, display show nothing, blinking blue - black color, no simbols, no letters. What happen? How is possible solve a problem? each blinking follow acoustic signal ;)
Pixsys tecnico 6
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Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by Pixsys tecnico 6 »

did you check the ATR313 power supply? If the ATR313 power supply is ok, It is possible hardware issue and it is better you contact your vendor.

Best regards.
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Joined: 20/04/2018, 10:54

Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by user17212 »

Power supply is ok. Panel is absolutely new. What is can be?
Pixsys tecnico 6
Posts: 1203
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Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by Pixsys tecnico 6 »

please can you sent to the ATR313 serial number? I think there is an hardware issue.

Best regards.
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Joined: 20/04/2018, 10:54

Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by user17212 »

is it possible repair? i sent.....
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Joined: 20/04/2018, 10:54

Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by user17212 »

Technical support is finished? I`dont understand what can i do next?
Pixsys tecnico 6
Posts: 1203
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Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by Pixsys tecnico 6 »

please compile the follow form to enable the RMA procedure.

Best regards.
Posts: 7
Joined: 20/04/2018, 10:54

Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by user17212 »

Have a nice day!
The air regulator will connect to OUT1 0-10V. when the oven is heated, it works correctly, how to operate the regulator while oven cooling ? how to configure that at a temperature above the SP, the regulator is not closed, but opened?
Many thanks.
Pixsys tecnico 1
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Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by Pixsys tecnico 1 »

Sorry, I think I don't understand your question:
You use OUT 0-10V as command output in heating (so increase output voltage = increase heat), correct?
During cooling, what do you need?
Normally the heating output always works if the temperature is below the SPV (so when the kiln temperature is less then the SPV curve), also if this happens in during cooling steps.

If you need to have the 0-10V output = 0V during cooling steps, you need to use a relay output as "STEP+&STEP=" and then connect the 0-10V wires to pass through that contact. In this way during positive and maintenance
steps the contacts will be closed so 0-10V will "reach" the valve, during negative steps (cooling) the contacts will be opend so 0-10V will be blocked and so the valve will close.
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Joined: 20/04/2018, 10:54

Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by user17212 »

Thanks for the answer!
At a temperature less then SP, a gas burner works and air opens. In the cooling steps, the burner switches off, at a temperature higher then SP, the air valve (same valve for burner) should open more and dicrease the temperature in the dryer. How configure system?
Pixsys tecnico 1
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Re: ATR 313 10 AD

Post by Pixsys tecnico 1 »

If you use GAS kiln, you can go to "Special Function" window and set GAS MODE to "Enable" (during cooling burners will be OFF) or TO "GID" (during cooling burners will go on-off according to the PV/SPV1).
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