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[ATR121-B] tc-K and output relays

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Posts: 2
Joined: 10/03/2011, 21:37

[ATR121-B] tc-K and output relays

Post by user724 »


I have obtained an ATR121-B.... I wish to connect a heat mat with built in thermal sensor. The heat mat runs on 230 Vac and has a power output of 1500 Watts. The thermal sensor is a K type.

I have tried to set it up by attaching the power supply wires into inputs 1 and 2 and the thermocouple wires in the correct holes of 11 and 12. On switching on, the sensor works. However, when I try to connect the heat mat to either of the relays... I cannot get it to come on. Any ideas on how I should be setting it up? Note that I have connected the heat mat to mains directly and it works... so I am missing something in the set up and or configurations.

Thanks in advance
Pixsys tecnico 1
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Joined: 29/10/2010, 10:09

Re: ATR121-B

Post by Pixsys tecnico 1 »

According to your description, it seems you did not yet power up the heat up and just connect it directly to relay outputs.
To supply it, please connect pin 2 to pin 4
Then connect pin 5 to heating elements of the heat mat . The heating element needs also to be connected to pin 1.

Once you have completed the wirings, make sure to enter also the suitable setpoint value (which is the temperature to be reached and kept by your heat mat) by arrows keys, see instruction manual if any doubt.
Posts: 2
Joined: 10/03/2011, 21:37

Re: ATR121-B

Post by user724 »

Pixsys tecnico 1 wrote:Hi
According to your description, it seems you did not yet power up the heat up and just connect it directly to relay outputs.
To supply it, please connect pin 2 to pin 4
Then connect pin 5 to heating elements of the heat mat . The heating element needs also to be connected to pin 1.

Once you have completed the wirings, make sure to enter also the suitable setpoint value (which is the temperature to be reached and kept by your heat mat) by arrows keys, see instruction manual if any doubt.
I thought these were internal connections as it was not explained in the manual.... no matter... this worked perfectly.

Thank you
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