Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with
Zihatec RS485 hat connected to pins 6,7 on ATR144-ABC-T.
ATR144 parameters confirmed via front panel:
- modbus slave: enabled
slave address: 247
baud: 19,200 bit/s
serial port format: 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit
serial delay: 5mS
I've written a bit of test code to try to establish communication with the ATR144:
WhatsApp Image 2024-04-07 at 17.15.22.jpeg
Running the code causes Tx LED to flash on the Pi Hat, confirming serial port is working correctly. However, as can be seen in screenshot, NoResponseError shows ATR144 is not responding.
I'm trying to read and write to what ATR144 manual (p35) refers to as Modbus Address 1200:
Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 17.53.53.png
I've tried various different modbus addresses but no response.
Any advice on setup or code would be appreciated. Thanks.
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