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FS_CopyFile on a TD710

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Joined: 29/03/2022, 7:03

FS_CopyFile on a TD710

Post by ADavis »


I am currently attempting to use the data logger in LogicLab to log information and then use the FS_CopyFile function to copy the file onto a USB, I get a file but it won't open, nor will it have the name I've assigned to it.

from what I can tell it should work, but could someone please walk me through the process of making it work.
Pixsys tecnico 1
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Joined: 29/10/2010, 10:09

Re: FS_CopyFile on a TD710

Post by Pixsys tecnico 1 »

first of all, you need to check if the datalogger function block is working good.
What FB are you using? To check the file created, please use a FTP client such as FileZilla or winSCP (do not use explore folder of MS Windows).
Keep in mind that if you use a string variable as datalogger name and its value is in the "initial value" (so it is constant), that value is given to the variable at first variable creation, so if you change its initial value after a code download you must reset the memory of the PLC to gain its new name (try to drag and drop the variable to the watch windows to check what is its current value).
To reset the PLC memory go to Menu "Project \Recompile all" (or press Ctrl+Alt+F7) and then download the code to the PLC.

If the datalogger is working good, please use the function block called "Copy_File" in the "Pixsys \File operation" library to easy copy the file to your USB stick. Please remember that the USB is called "HardDisk" in the WinCE operating system so you must use it as destination.
Posts: 2
Joined: 29/03/2022, 7:03

Re: FS_CopyFile on a TD710

Post by ADavis »

I am using the DataLogger_INT FB
Pixsys tecnico 1
Posts: 1707
Joined: 29/10/2010, 10:09

Re: FS_CopyFile on a TD710

Post by Pixsys tecnico 1 »

ok, the datalogger creates the file and works as expected or not?
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