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[ATR144]PID by SSR output, Auto/Man Function and Alarm

Pixsys tecnico 6
Posts: 1195
Joined: 12/09/2016, 14:49

[ATR144]PID by SSR output, Auto/Man Function and Alarm

Post by Pixsys tecnico 6 »

This application allows you to select manual mode from digital input or classic PID regulation. In manual mode you can define the control output percentage of the set cycle time at 10seconds. For example at 40%, turn on the digital output for 4 seconds and keep it off for 6 seconds in continuous loop. If the manual function is disabled, the controller regulates using a reverse PID with a proportional band of 10°C and a zero value integral and derivative.
In addition, 2 alarms are configured for high and low temperature.

I/O connection:

PIN 1-2 --> Power supply ATR144-ABC
PIN 4-5 --> Q1 contact for High Temperature Alarm (setpoint AL1)
PIN 6-7 --> Contact Q2 for Low Temperature Alarm (setpoint AL2)
PIN 8-9 --> SSR voltage output for PID actuator in hot (Control Setpoint °C). If in manual mode it sets the control output percentage (see above)
PIN 9-12 --> Analog input for 4-20mA passive loop sensor
PIN 10-11 --> Digital input to define Automatic or Manual operation. Contact open = automatic, contact closed = manual
N.B. The digital input for selecting the operation from Automatic to Manual is not available if a resistive type sensor is used.(see manual ATR144)

Parameters ATR144:
Best Regards
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