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Joined: 28/06/2019, 8:28


Post by Pixsys »


I have an ATR121 attached to a chilling system. I have had a few issues and reset the thermostat. However now I cannot seem to replicate the correct settings in the parameters to reach 2 degrees centigrade in my cooling system. I have a PT100 sensor. Can you give me any advice to the correct settings in the parameters? Thank you
Pixsys tecnico 6
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Joined: 12/09/2016, 14:49

Re: Cooling

Post by Pixsys tecnico 6 »

follow the parameters list attached below: Yellow parameters are those different from the default value.
Best regards.
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Joined: 28/06/2019, 8:28

Re: Cooling

Post by Pixsys »

Thankyou for replying. Ok it still doesn’t seem to be descending in temperature. I have attached a photo of the thermostat on the ‘Zoppi’ Mini chiller unit. As you can see it has a heating option as well. Do I need to set the parameters differently? All I want to do is chill some tanks down to 2 degrees. I have glycerol mixed with water for all the cooling jackets and antirefrigent gas in the system... Is there something I am missing here... Thanks.
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Pixsys tecnico 6
Posts: 1202
Joined: 12/09/2016, 14:49

Re: Cooling

Post by Pixsys tecnico 6 »

what ATR121 relay are you using? And what ATR121 pin are you using to connect the cooling power? It is possible that the ATR121 was connect using a special and custom hardware configuration and it is using a custom Output connections, so it is better that you contact the chill unit supplier to reciver a proper parameters list.

Best Regards.
Posts: 3
Joined: 28/06/2019, 8:28

Re: Cooling

Post by Pixsys »

Hello ok it’s ATR121-AD. It is attached via a PiN connection to 4 Electrovannes which open and close tubes full of coolant that run into glycerol cooling jackets in beer fermentation tanks. I have had a refrigeration technician in and he has said the cooling machine works but he like me does not understand the parameters in the ATR121. The people who supplied me with the equipment cannot help me. I got it down to 8 degrees this morning but now it’s on 11.6. I have tried numerous variations in the parameters and cannot get the temperature down past 8 degrees. Can you give me several parameter schematics to try for someone who wants to chill down to 1-2 degrees centigrade. My Out1 (hot) is set to 2 and my Out2 (cold) is set to 0. I would be very grateful.... Thankyou
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